Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It happened again

On Sunday afternoon I should have been filled with a sense a pride over finishing week two of the 5K training. Unfortunately yet again I wasn't congratulated for my effort and invited to join in week 3. This week, I can't blame my Ipod, because I simply didn't do the last of the 3 weekly runs.

No I haven't given up like I kept promising myself at the end of each day only to be filled with enthusiasm the following day like a belated runners high. We were away for the long weekend and I was even tempted to take my running shoes and do laps of the caravan park. But I didn't thankfully do that. We went away to go on a 30km overnight walk so I got my fair share of aches and pains as well as a healthy dose of self pride.

I'm not sure if it is necessary, but I decided to repeat all of the week 2 runs before progressing. Ironically, carrying up pack while hiking all day actually seemed easier than running. It would seem that all the hard work is paying off then.


  1. That's such a great feeling, when you know what you are doing is changing things. Go Spring Girl Go!

  2. Great jon...nothing betetr right?

  3. I think that's when you know you're making great progress- when you see the effects of the exercise in different activities!

    - Sagan

  4. Results have a way of sneaking up on you like that! :) You ARE making progress!

  5. Thanks for all your support ladies!



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